15 Responses to Brunette Booty

  1. Bad jujuu

    Not fake! shes a homie and seeing that booty up close is a radical gift! Im not name dropping shes on IG lookup elite. I can say no more but the booty is magical lol

  2. Al Bundy

    “What the hell are you?”.

    -Arnold Schwarzenegger

  3. 512

    Not shopped really.. I’ve known and seen many chicks with no tits n a phat ass

    • yea


    • DG

      i dont think it’s a case of no tits big ass girl, because ass is more common on girls with tiny tits. i think this is too much ass case, but it could actually be real

      • 512

        True. If anything shopped its her thighs haha. The front is too big for an ass like that

  4. bigswole

    damnn, damnn, dammmmnnnnnnnnn!

    name please.

  5. botd

    I love this pic actually. This will be all over social media in about a week, I guarantee it. Remember you saw it here first.

    • blackfrost

      post more then so we can say “yea that’s old, i saw it on BOTD” lol

      • botd

        I would, but no time.

  6. Most interesting man in the world

    She looks like a crackhead

  7. FrenchLord


  8. Anonym Sergeevich

    This is definitely shopped!

    • funkyship

      Without question. lame

  9. jaymak

    Damn…..name….nice…ive never seen a thin white chick with such special proportions….she’s the real mvp

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