9 Responses to Christina Applebum

  1. johnson and johnson

    Perfect! I want to have her body

  2. Porkchop

    She should walk backwards everywhere she goes.

  3. Sunchi

    Good stuff man, luh you bro haha, whatever happened to Strawberry Vixxxen?

    • botd

      Sup bro. Tru. No idea, but I’ll look for some old stuff from her.

  4. joe

    i love these bitches

  5. joe

    i nid these fuckin butties to fuck them hard

  6. Josh

    I would hit it and never quit it

  7. Frody

    Christina Applebum is breath taking. ALL the postives..She’s fuckin HOT! A prime example of how all chicks should look. 🙂

  8. HeruTheHeretic


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