10 Responses to Cuban Ass Walking

  1. botd

    I just asked Bedeli on Twitter for Part 2 of this video, so we’ll see.


    • Dray

      I don’t think there’s gonna be a part 2 unfortunately.

  2. Earl Robinson jr

    I just like that cuban ass walking. its out of site!…where can i meet women with assess like that! what site can i fine that

  3. Rayj

    What site or scene is this from?

  4. bana

    where is the second part? does it exists?

  5. blackfrost
  6. Desipimp

    I’m jealous of that guy grabbing her ass!

  7. np3228

    So wait hold up THAT mafucka won a contest for a date with her?

    • botd

      Nah it has to be all a set up. I mean no self-respecting dude would go out on a real date with pants like that.

      • np3228

        True but still its a new day and age

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