Not sure if I mentioned this before, but looks like she might have had some work done. Would you still hit? “Stupid question BOTD” is not a valid answer.
via @realdiamonddoll
Not sure if I mentioned this before, but looks like she might have had some work done. Would you still hit? “Stupid question BOTD” is not a valid answer.
via @realdiamonddoll
Her tits
I’d love for her to be my Strict Mistress and tie me up and gag me and sit on my face and than I’d dick pound her brains out 😉
Please sit on my FACE! 🙂
She’s for sale I heard… She’s on backpage in Canada…
Big booty as hell :O
What club does she strip at?
Stupid Question BOTD!
Yeah, i’d hit it though.
Friends –
For me there has always been something a little irritating about Diamond Doll’s act, but Lawd I would smash her until the cows came home. I don’t care what she’s had done, I just wanna climb up on that donkey.
what’s annoying about her act?
If i could hit that prone bone(her laying on her stomach) and doggystyle, then i’ll be the happiest man alive!
Who cares if she had some work done?!? Once you’re hitting that big booty from behind, you’ll drop all those silly complaints and start enjoying that shit forreal!
Yeah she had work done BUT I’d still knock it out the park
She’s lookin like she had a ton of work done… you can see the lipo stomach look which tells me she probably had it injected into her ass. Why fuck with what was SO awesome already? I’d still smash it, but fuck….
I’ll knock her screws loose! Smash the living daylights outta her! She looks like she’s a squealer too…I’d love to pound her out n make her squeal! just sayin….
When she was younger her figure seemed better to me.