She’s one of my top 3 faves. I remember the first scene I ever watched of her was when she was with a few other girls. They were shoving golf balls up each other’s asses or something. And then next time I seen her she was gaging on her first cum load in the mouth.
Can’t give out a link to the full video, cause I’ll get in trouble with Elegant Angel.
You can either click the link above and subscribe for a good quality version, or just wait for one of our regular booty experts to come to the rescue with a link. Fear not.
Thanks A present! At the 10:10 mark of the clip the guy must be in heaven
damn dude reading ur description gave me a bonner llol
She’s one of my top 3 faves. I remember the first scene I ever watched of her was when she was with a few other girls. They were shoving golf balls up each other’s asses or something. And then next time I seen her she was gaging on her first cum load in the mouth.
She has a scene called Ass Addiction 3 that’s 10/10. Highly recommended to all ass fans.
Gotta love Jenny
By the way, it should be Massive Asses 2 or something.
Yep thats it!
I miss this bitch.
same here!
Can’t give out a link to the full video, cause I’ll get in trouble with Elegant Angel.
You can either click the link above and subscribe for a good quality version, or just wait for one of our regular booty experts to come to the rescue with a link. Fear not.