20 Responses to Cam Girl Booty Battle

  1. Maanlest

    couple of lovely pieces

  2. AlFranklin

    As boring as I may have thought the video was, brunette is cute as fuck and has a nice booty.

  3. BootyFreak

    Neither! Both of them look like they don’t know what fuck they’re doing. Not a turn on

    • AlFranklin

      I was kinda thinking the same thing. I was thinking this was taken from the parts where camgirls just asked to be tipped, where they’re not really doin’ shit. Maybe they actually do stuff in a private show that is good, but this shit was straight boring.

  4. deeznuttz

    Brunettes name is leeludicrous on chaturbate…blonde is briawynters

    • botd

      Thanks deez.

    • yabajaba

      Damn, wish I knew the other girl’s name while my upstore was active.

  5. bootox

    The blonde is thicker, but the shape of the body of the brunette, the form of her ass and her face are better. So, brunette FTW!!!

  6. Mr. 30mins

    Brunette simply because I prefer them over Blondes in general.

  7. blackfrost31

    as much as i love thick, i would have to go with the brunette no doubt.

  8. reservoir dog

    the right 100%

  9. Gobot90

    The blonde might be Audrey Blake

  10. MikeManiac61

    Lol they look bored as shit! But I’ll take the one on the left.

    • MikeManiac61

      Whoops I mean the right

  11. E

    “Who would you prefer, the blonde OR (or does not mean BOTH) the brunette.”

    Mini rant but My answer would be the blonde. She’s a little thicker yes but the brunette just seems…really small. Maybe it’s the angle though.

  12. Poohbia

    Im taking both

  13. Alf

    They can’t twerk worth shit, but i bet I can make that ass-clap more than the oscars when Leo DiCaprio finally won himself an oscar.

  14. Fucksurmeow

    I would have to try out both in order to see which I like. You know like going to baskin Robin’s…..taste all 31 flavors.

  15. beardo

    Brunette, without even thinking about it.

  16. wheresROXIE?



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