12 Responses to Thick German Gilf Kitty Wilder

  1. bow33

    Hey guys,

    Where can i find the entiere scene of Nikki Stone?


  2. realreal

    HEY, where’s video 3? 🙁

  3. TGN

    This has probably been reported to you already but in case it hasn’t, this tumblr blog has been posting all of your gifs and not giving you credit for it:


    Many of the posts have well over 1,000 notes with no credits to the original poster anywhere in site. Just a heads up in case you weren’t already aware. I have much respect and appreciation for your content and I believe it’s a serious disservice to not at the very least credit you for your great content.

    Best of luck sorting out this issue.

  4. Puba

    I’m not into senior citizens but i’ll make an exception. If I find this Granny she’s in danger of getting a curvy broken hip.


  5. BootyFreak

    Have to kill it!

  6. Mr. 30 mins

    Destroy and Punish

  7. Aalim Chin

    Wait she’s a gilf? She looks great.


  8. poohbia

    She’s bad for an older broad, would smash hard

  9. BootySlayer

    That’s a smash all day everyday

  10. BSD

    Friends –

    I’ve been on to Kitty Wilder for a few minutes now. She’s a definite smash for me.

    And BOTD, since you linked to one of my All Times Favorites, Mandy Blue, let me say that for her it would be smash bordering on assault.

    There are a number of other thickums in German porn that I would love to mount. Taylor Burton, Sweet Pummelfee, a few others.


  11. iceman8069

    Bro….I’ll smash the shit outta her…I just hope she would be able to handle it..hehehe

  12. realreal

    yeah make a gilf category, it’s hard to find women like this 🙁

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