Jada Stevens Panty Removal Posted on June 8, 2016 Leave a Comment press for video clip Gifs of Jada Stevens taking off her panties and showing off her big ass. Tweet Email
I think we all need to see what you look like
What you guys think of this video ? Let me know… Many of my friends say i look like her
If you look like her, then you should be getting eaten and drilled on a regular basis! I know I would do you!
Pics of you or it’s all lies.
Pics of her holding a piece of paper with “BOTD” written down along with the date or it’s all lies.
Lawling my fucking ass off
I want booty like Jada…
ok serious question guys…. can she get butt fucked with that piercing or nah?
it’s such a fucking turn on, i really hope she dont have to take that shit out tbh
The Bubble Butt Queen!
Top 10 on any entertainment list.
good fucking lord, she really pierced her asshole?
I see shiny… is her taint pierced? WTF
Well, her ass sure is still nice but that piercing in the asshole and that short hair are definetly a turn off for me. Unnecessary, says I.
Totally agree.
whoa…she’s somehow badder than before.