73 Responses to Thick Milf Brigitte Paris

  1. Tony

    Oh! Baby!,…..i can see ur no spring chicken! But that danm sure doesn’t matter!, because ur about the most delicious looking well done chicken dinner i’ve ever seen! & i’d have u served hot on a platter any time!

  2. joeq3000

    her body is perfect but she has a face like a bag of smashed crabs

    • headsh0t79


  3. mmmm
  4. fire reaper


    Does anyone know who she is. Been looking for her for 2 yrs or so. Ultimate milf

  5. vikivik


    Hey Pls Somebody Find out who this girl is…????

    Apart from booty she got amazing body proportions….

  6. Cole

    Allright guys.
    Bira Miles is killing the game again.

    If someone pleaaaaase could make a vid, a gif, or a webm of that (those?) Instagram posts :

    – (this one is cool as well)

    Please make a downloadable video of this, WE must store this.

    • C.A.

      Bria Myles been a legit problem.

    • bootox

      Whoa! Nice find! Outstanding body! Beautiful skin! And the way she looks to the camera….hmmmmnnn!

      BOTD feel free (:p) to bring more content of this girl in here. She deserves it.

    • Reinhardt

      Bria is amazing but she doesn’t like showing ass. She never used to wear thongs, no time for that.

      • bootox

        Hummm. Sad to know. I really wanted to see a booty clap video from her. I’ll keep an eye on her, anyway.

  7. Papi chulo

    Wow, tremendous figure /proportions/ curves. Her body is natural too. Hopefully this woman decides to do more videos like this.

  8. Anonymous

    Beautiful natural curves. She’s great.

  9. Anonymous

    Anyone know who this is?


    I love this pic.

  10. President

    That was a.. shock !
    Ι try to recover now !

  11. Zeet
    • Snypre

      Should be milfandhunny from chaturbate.

    • Grateful

      Thank you, mmmm for the link. Thank you Snypre for the I.D. and a special thank you to BOTD for this site & your every effort.

  12. fire reaper
  13. Denzel

    Nice thick juicy.
    But she aint no miss tutti tha booty!


    A shemenahaya Ishouldaboughtahonda

  14. Ghost

    Good lawd. 10/10

    • Ghost

      Actually after seeing the vid, that face is like a 2/10.

  15. Mr Man
  16. Bootyologist By Nature

    Goodness Gracious , Who Is This ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://i.imgur.com/SlONrOD.gifv

  17. KingJ

    Like Janey Buckingham Curves, but just a little more juicier!

  18. Anonymous

    “Slim-thick” Isreali lawyer > https://www.instagram.com/jorden90/

  19. naughtynuff4u


    • Denzel

      Thank you good sir!

  20. Hambone

    Well I found this vid of her its pretty weird, but still hot if anyone wants it



    • Jethro Toll

      Now, props to this guy!!!

    • Neuro

      Props has been given.

    • TY

      Is there more videos of her fucking??

      • Ghost

        Props indeed. And also looking for more of that.

  21. K.O

    I found this vid when it first hit the Internet a few days ago and I tried to find a submit button to send it. Glad to see you posted it I knew you would eventually if you found it.

  22. BSD

    Friends –

    Her body literally made my mouth water.


  23. Cuernador
  24. Iceman1980

    Damn is all I can say..she’s perfect!!

  25. 1_love

    damn, shed sexy AF

  26. themac

    Dammmmmmm,,, that Ass is worth a comment 🙂

  27. Jethro Toll

    BOTD, thanks for the shout out. XXXXXX did the hard work. Here’s a link as a thank you. https://xhamster.com/movies/6981691/taylor-burton_likes_to_fuck.html

    • Force of Will

      Whoah. She looks amazing. Gives hope to metalheads that we can get bad bitched too

  28. Yabajaba

    She goes way back to some old streaming site where she did BDSM vids. I only have one short recording left since her stuff there was either low quality or barely showed her ass:


    • onlyhdlover

      Never liked BDSM, for I don’t know what reason, not even her made me feel attracted at all. But thanks for sharing the link.

      • Anonymous

        Often time, whenever a person with a background in psychology has explained the dynamics of BDSM (in books or lectures) and why certain types of people are fixated while others are indifferent, it’s explained more-or-less as traumatized adults re-creating their childhood traumas in order to “master” them. IMO, all that effort and ritualistic stuff distracts from the big, jiggly booty… and pokin it.

  29. Will
  30. poohbia

    Props for the shout out!

    Chick is bad, hope my girl looks like that when we get up there

    • Goldy

      She is definitely a thorobred.

      • yeah

        yeah throughbread of being on a surgeons table

        • Neuro

          Yep I’d still fuck.

    • Lobst3r

      I’d still hit…but man is she annoying, I’ve seen other videos where she’s begging and whining for tips, yeah I get it that’s how she makes money but just the way she sounds doing it ugh

      • booty-love

        More vids? Will u plz share the links?

    • KingJ

      That’s BoootyStar, your welcome

    • booty-love

      What’s her name?

  31. Bootylove


    Those are Mal Malloy type proportions.

    • bana

      thinking the same thing, good god

    • Bootylover99

      Yea but Mal is prettier

      • bana

        true, she was the complete package.

  32. Je moeder

    Not al lot of posts on here nowadays but man oh man.. all is forgiven

  33. fire reaper

    goddess. and i never use that term literally

  34. rooster


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