Khloe Kardashian Turns Around

Big booty celebrity Khloe Kardashian turns around wearing a super tight dress.

14 Responses to Khloe Kardashian Turns Around

  1. Rykker

    Will you be posting this to the BotD tumblr? (Could you, please?)

    • botd

      It’s 2 megs and Tumblr’s limit is 1, so it won’t upload. Somebody did a 4 gif set though. Do a search for her name in Tumblr’s search box.

      • Rykker

        Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Realist

    Since she and her husband are just letting guys get a free feel….
    I wanna feel the ass and the tits and inside her too!!!

  3. Someone

    You see Sway coppin’ more than one feels on her booty. LOL!

  4. Three Billy Goats Gruff

    She still looks like Frankenberry but, dat ass makes up for it 10 fold!

  5. yoyo

    evil white women these kardashians, love em! 😀

  6. Bootylover88

    She needs to be in a catsuit…strippin and all stuff…wuha nice ass.

  7. BSD

    Friends –

    Damn, Khloe’s body is BANGIN’! She grew a NICE phatty.


  8. Sticky1

    O.J.’s daughter has always been the sexiest out of that klan! Imagine her bouncing that ball up and down! Brack yourself L.O.

  9. Socrates

    Truly the best one out of the nutty bunch.
    I would LOVE to smash it like Ray J did her ho-ish sister!!!!

  10. bana

    post link

  11. bana

    wheres the video?

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