23 Responses to Amnezia Ass

  1. Al Borland

    yo BoTD can I get a link to the video? can’t seem to find it

  2. Guest
    • Al Borland

      Damn its not up anymore, know where I can find it?

      • Guest

        Download when be ready https://vimeo.com/100377734

        • Al Borland

          THANK YOU.

          • dax

            yo this is a long shot but anyone still got this vid?

  3. yabajaba

    Vid can be found if you look around, though might be a little tough.

    Love this chic. She has several other vids on vimeo/youtube.

  4. big booty obsesion

    OMG she need work for bangbros or brazzers! fuc* chocolate models

    • yabajaba

      Bangbros/brazzers are boring as shit now. The last time they had a stupid big white ass, they still mostly focused on some douchebag talking too much along with a bunch of sex positions that barely showed any ass.

      • realreal

        the last girl with ass on bangbros was lily sincere, and apparently they fucked up so bad with her that she never came back to the industry after those videos.

        • botd


          I’m about to post a new Bangbros girl with a huge ass. Unfortunately it’s artificial. Some might like it. Not gonna lie, it almost got me hard.

          • big booty obsesion

            Admin please find name of this girl http://www.xvideos.com/video8112809/curvy_colombian_with_thick_phat_ass she is perfect ass for days

          • botd

            To big booty obsesion, it’s Sofia from Bangbros.


            Her ass is phony tho.

            To each their own, but the first thing I always notice about implants is that they’re wider on the top when asses are supposed to be wider on the bottom. I think somebody else also mentioned that before. Are we right or wrong?

          • Douche Baggins

            Some chicks just have muscles that taper off toward the bottom. Look at how many women have asses shaped like a V… not attractive. Her can isn’t that big, it could be real… you sure it’s fake? They play so many camera tricks now that it’s pretty hard to tell sometimes.

            When they get implants, if their doctor does it right, you wouldn’t be able to tell. The silicone implants are molded to make their ass look however they want. It’s not one size fits all.

          • Douche Baggins

            Talk about an awful actress, holy fuck… no wonder she did porn! Which she was awful in too 🙂 She had enough cheese for an XL pizza.

  5. Janos

    She certainly has a great posterior. I would R.I.P her wide open and ball smack her pretty face. Yes! She can worship the greatness of my fazon!

  6. 843bigred

    My my my my that looks delicious

    • Spungn

      WOW!!! That’s all I gotta say!! BOTD, I know u got a lot on ur plate….but, PLEASE find more of this chick!!!! And, I’m sure u already know, but Tiffany Capotelli I think is doing porn scenes now!!!! More of that, too!!!!

  7. iceman8069

    My god, I would fuck the living daylights outta this chick!

  8. jWILL253

    Please do porn…

  9. Taiwatcher


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