Okay, bro, can someone please explain this. Why is it that (East) Asians can be curvy and all, but ass-wise, it’s just flat? Am I hallucinating this? Or is this a thing, and if so, what kind of prank of evolution is this and why???
I mean it’s most likely evolution. Whether it’s because of a survival benefit because of the different climate of that region, or a byproduct of something else, I’m not sure.
One good thing we have to look forward to, is them mixing with ethnicities with big asses, then we get the best of both worlds. Go globalism.
her name is ssunbiki
Absolute SMASH! She’s beautiful!
Okay, bro, can someone please explain this. Why is it that (East) Asians can be curvy and all, but ass-wise, it’s just flat? Am I hallucinating this? Or is this a thing, and if so, what kind of prank of evolution is this and why???
I mean it’s most likely evolution. Whether it’s because of a survival benefit because of the different climate of that region, or a byproduct of something else, I’m not sure.
One good thing we have to look forward to, is them mixing with ethnicities with big asses, then we get the best of both worlds. Go globalism.
Is there a re-up of this? I’m obsessed with reporters with booty lol, or any semi-candid thicc chicks that are just doing normal stuff
Smash as she still looks very good.
@BOTD: Brief clip of cute & thin TV Reporter. Was ~NOT~ expecting this!
True that’s a hot side profile.
hello, how can i solve this problem with this page showing? eyeg
Not sure if this is a bot/spam, but what problem are you talking about, and is anybody else having problems?
Trying an image proxy (long ass URL’s) to see if these photo links will not expire like the instagram ones usually do.
Front: https://imageproxy.pimg.tw/resize?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com%2Fv%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fsh0.08%2Fe35%2Fp640x640%2F135780897_864937247640570_8777121711688777116_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dscontent-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D106%26_nc_ohc%3DgM50dvloRhgAX-cLFIK%26edm%3DAP_V10EBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3D55c958a33df02941d150e054a2d759a4%26oe%3D614C9B48%26_nc_sid%3D4f375e
Side: https://imageproxy.pimg.tw/resize?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com%2Fv%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fsh0.08%2Fe35%2Fp640x640%2F136403692_809599959906334_4962991608695059513_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dscontent-hou1-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D110%26_nc_ohc%3DaaA3bV7l4ToAX8CqNjq%26edm%3DAP_V10EBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3Dbf627eea2d970c073a5e07b7e07717eb%26oe%3D614D6115%26_nc_sid%3D4f375e
Welcome back check out this thick arab onesarahhh
Nice, thanks. Yeah I call her the Arab Mal Malloy.
I agree with told all above.
She’s a smash. Her booty will get bigger after I put like 3 kids in her.