13 Responses to Babe Got Back

  1. felipe

    Diosa Canales!!! Anjoy

  2. This guy!

    Ehhh… I agree with a previous comment, fake ass is no ass…. oh f’n well I suppose.

  3. Prodigy


    anyone remember this girl? i think you will 😉

    • This guy!

      I do recollect this young lady. Weird though, some of her photos the booty id fit thick, then others it’s slim thick… wait, did I just say that?

    • botd

      True. Yeah I posted her before here and here, but I might as well post a couple of those new pics she got cause they’re hot.

  4. poohbia

    Fake ass is such a turnoff, especially wen its obviously fake

  5. 1

    was gonna say “she lifts” until I saw closer that it was amy anderssen…goddamit

  6. Bigswole

    What’s funny is that half the folks on here will front like they wouldn’t smash because her ass is fake, but if really given the opportunity would be smashing ASAP without second guessing.


      Her ass is fake? Wouldn’t have known til you said something but def smash either way.

  7. Warpig
  8. Snootch

    Looks an awful lot like Courtney Kenny

  9. Jason

    who is this girl?!

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