10 Responses to Juicy Japanese Maid

  1. Me4U2mami

    I absolutely love this page but I think it should be new pictures also

  2. John

    full video?

  3. Adrian

    What’s her name I’d really love to know?

    • botd

      Chiharu Nakasaki


  4. 4real

    its epixinesexual

  5. Chukou

    Sweet, so sweet!!! I love that little shake of her Phat Ass!!! I wanna bite so bad!!!

  6. Hipster Douche

    I get aDIVX http 404 error. This just started happening. The vids were working fine a few days ago. Any idea why?

    • botd

      Is it just this video, or all of them stopped working? And which browser are you using?

      • Hipster Douche

        All of them. Using Google Chrome.

        • botd

          Send us an email to bootyoftheday @ gmail.com and we’ll try to figure it out.

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