30 Responses to Baddie Kasi Thick-Thighed Instagram Girl

  1. Dr.Doom

    She thick but that face?!?? Her shoe game is on point though.

  2. This Guy!

    Yeesh, it’s been a while since I’ve commented. So, she’s Greek? And Starlets, isn’t that in NY? I have a friend that dances at Sugar Daddys in NY; just like the dancerw here in Miami, they range from slim thick etc. etc. Chic is bad as hell though. However, her face reminds me of Potente, and that my friends is the total package.

  3. bootox

    This is indeed a find, BOTD! Loved the second pic.

    You never cease to amaze me. Thanks.

  4. Slayer93

    Great post BOTD. I found this pawg http://mylust.com/videos/180654/jaw-dropping-pawg-makes-my-cock-tingle-with-excitement/
    I think I’ve seen her posted here once but I can’t remember who she is. Help?

    • yabajaba

      Donna Pantera.

  5. yabajaba

    I don’t dig the stripper look at all that most of these girls got goin on, but she’s got a regular pic here and I love it: https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/916507_585780821574360_1530533188_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE2MDU1NzcxNTM1Nzg1Mzk0OQ%3D%3D.2

    Crazy thighs.

    So what happened to the Assobsession page? I used to check it practically every day. Good quality posts, then went down out of the blue.

  6. BootyFreak

    Damn! She is rightly thick! My face all up in that all day.

  7. Udderappreciation


  8. Asstrobootyologist

    Them thighs ain’t no joke though. Good post! I’m starting to adore thighs more than Ass… How about a Thick Thigh Tuesday like how you have a fine frontal Friday on the real!

  9. Bootyman96

    Nice Jordans.

  10. MikeManiac61

    Off topic but Ryan Smiles came out with a new vid on Mar 21st (Bangbros) if anyone has noticed.

    • botd

      Yeah I wanted to make gifs of it today but didn’t have time. Maybe Wednesday.

      • MikeManiac61

        Take your time Botd, you have a life too man.

    • Bootylover99

      She finally shot for them!! I’ve been waiting for this moment for years man!!

      • ilovemesomebooty

        Unfortanetely it was shot with that bold ass prick. Atleast he did some good positions with her. And i aint gonna lie if i were to smash Ryan smiles, i wouldn’t be able to stay silent either.

  11. Bootylover

    Greek stripper she is fucking amazing!

  12. Eatdatasscrack445

    not even gon lie BOTD I love thighs bruh. this shits good and I aint finna shit talk this post but I just gotta ask. should the thighs over compensate the booty? don’t get me wrong, I fucks wit it a lil but still tho

    • botd

      For me it’s hips then ass then thighs then tits (or tits then thighs? I dunno). All of the above is even better. That’s why I like women like Siri and Anastasia Lux, cause they got it all.

      • bootox

        I agree with this sequence. For me, tits certainly comes in the last position. Hips are the defining characteristic of a voluptuous woman.

  13. wootywoody

    botd.. what up w all the pixelated images.. i kno u been askn format pref. .. im mobile .. iphone5.. seems to be often

    • botd

      Which image looks pixelated? Is it from this post or from Super Stacked?

      • wootywoody

        super stacked looked good… first six in this post are blurry booty

        tx for ur services my man

        • botd

          Okay thanks. Can you check now (reload the page) and let me know if it’s fixed or still looks bad?

          • wootywoody


  14. poohbia


    We need some more shots from the back , body is too fine to only show the front

  15. Brightzen Hunt

    Damn definitely booty of the year

  16. Ahmet

    My heart is beating out of rhythm, hands are shaking and it’s kinda hard to form sentences right now after seeing this girl, BOTD. The following animated gif sums up what I’m trying to say…. https://imgur.com/gallery/dhMeAzK

  17. iceman8069

    She bad as fuck! And she’s Greek so you know she a freak! I’d give her every inch I got too!

  18. ilovemesomebooty

    I would smash so hard! And what a great age we live in! Girls are finally accepting and appreciating their curves.

    I can’t be in a relationship, there are way to many fine women walking in the streets.

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