Not really sure what to call a booty like that. It’s not big. It’s sexy and very nice.
I don’t know, too small for this site?
Not really sure what to call a booty like that. It’s not big. It’s sexy and very nice.
I don’t know, too small for this site?
Her amazing thighs make up for her ass. Definitely a pass! Keep her
It’s all in the angle, is a nice butt but not big like everyone else has said the thighs make the difference, she good she can stay
Well, it’s not a big ass, her glutes are not bulbous, it doesn’t have that “smiley face” and it’s not “bubbly” but it’s really nice, wouldn’t kick her out of bed.
I guess the thing is that her thighs are really nice, her ass isn’t big but her thighs are thick, so this is why we get this “I’m not really sure” effect.
Nice thighs in any case.
Waaayyyy to small, she does score points for how much she’s in to this fuck’n tho…
Her enthusiasm is indeed somethin’ else!
And isn’t her last name Derza?
Woops, you’re right. Thanks for the correction.
Edit: And thanks for the comments too.
A nice ass is a nice ass, as far as I’m concerned. She has a nice ass, so I approve.
Too small
I would love to bake those cakes!