8 Responses to Jessica Lawd Have Mericee

  1. tay

    whoever runs this site realllllllly needs to upload more. its called booty of the day not week

    • botd

      The site gets updated every day. If you’re not seeing the updates, it’s a caching issue. Try to use a different browser, or try emptying your cache until I find a fix.

  2. poohbia

    whats up with chicks and implants these days, smh

  3. yea

    The before pics of her are surprising and she had a good surgeon

  4. Bootyman96

    Yes!!! DR baby! A domican Instagram chick.

  5. 843bigred

    That country breeds thick women

  6. Hamtaro620

    jesus christ…..

  7. bana

    lawd have mercy

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