26 Responses to Asian Ass – Part 5

  1. Lalaland

    What’s number 3’s name ? omg

  2. vamp

    Who’s 10!!!!!!

  3. Jimmy

    Who is number 10 in the blue skirt???

  4. Lolo pantom

    Who the last girl?

  5. reservoir dog


  6. Kees

    #12 is my fav, absolutely love it. Any name known?

  7. M

    Who is #4?!!??

  8. notbotd

    Here’s the video for 11 to dl.

    • Newt

      Oh wow.. Maguro/Nikudan series are hard to find, thank you sir!

      • GrandMasterAss

        That website has a bunch. Tsukada Shiori released a new DVD 2 weeks ago that’s apart of the same series, I can’t find a real copy anywhere online yet though.

      • flik

        Good results come up using google video search. Chick’s name or move name. Only easy way i’ve run into

      • botd

        Newt, email me at bootyoftheday@gmail.com

  9. GrandMasterAss

    #3 takes the cake!

    • Caesar

      Agreed. Chic defies physics with that physique

      • Fam

        Glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. That shit is amazing! Asian, slim…but that butt is breaking both stereotypes like crazy!

  10. jaymak

    Number 4 is built for backshots

    • CallOFBooty

      Agreed – #12 is also, she can stay out of the window too..soap and all..dont care. FTW

  11. dr3w1029

    #11 name?

    • KS

      torrent download for 11


      • Vertigo

        Thanks a lot KS

  12. AssMan


  13. Peter Parker

    11 can not be real hahaha

  14. DG

    i love yuuri

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