27 Responses to Brooklyn Rose Butt Smack and Ass Rub

  1. Mr.30mins

    Don’t be surprised guys… we see chicks with great asses come and go all the time. She’ll be another to that list REAL fast.. Still amazing ass she got all the same.


    Kind of reminds me of Sophia from Assparade. Really pretty, amazing ass. But really not into any of her two scenes.


    • C.A.

      The very definition of amateur, although I’ve always thought she was forced into doing it. I’m sure we all prayed for the day when she’d grow into it. Alas…

  3. First time long time

    To the dude that keeps asking for volleyball players….

    • botd

      I think he was asking for something like a Photoshopped creepshot pic.

  4. Aplha

    Haha I like how he quickly rubbed there blood off at the end so nobody would notice

    • Alpha


    • Blackfrost

      i wonder if Efukt.com will pick this up lmao

      • Alpha

        I don’t know what that website is and I don’t think I want to lol

  5. botd

    Good thing I don’t watch cumshots. Speaking of which, does anybody else hate when they zoom in on dude’s face when he’s cumming? That’s bad, but yeah seeing bloody jizz is probably worse.

    • anon7389

      I also hate when they wont shut up, like “YEAH! YOU LIKE THAT? TAKE IT. OOOHHHH AHHHH”

      God damn it

  6. DDawg

    She has the potential to be a great pornstar. But trust me fellas, this scene is wack as f*ck. All shes doing is moaning without much effort on her side. When she began riding this dude she didn’t even make a sound then it cuts to the next scene where she is moaning while riding him.

    I bet the camera man was like “show some more enthusiasm”.

    PS: the guy cums blood at the end. He probably has ebola or something.

    • Blackfrost

      cums blood at the end? that’s not good

    • DG

      fuck this dude!!!!!! he did cum blood, i really hope she’s safe 🙁

      • Swaggy D

        Uhh blood in the semen is a bigtime indicator of an STD…most of the time chlamydia.

        • DG

          i am the only one who is really concerned about her????????? it was brick danger who as fucked the hottest chicks like aj applegate and some colombian girls that did very few scenes for BB

    • C.A.

      Why would they keep that in? I understand you have to have a cum shot, but … EW

    • yabajaba

      Had to rewatch to see what you’re talkin about, didn’t notice anything at first…..then I saw it…

      LOL, HOLY SHIT. HE FUCKIN, does cum out a little blotch of blood then quickly wipes it off with his thumb in a subtle fashion.


      • Beans

        That’s fuckin gross, I don’t even wanna see that LOL

  7. DG

    i’d like to point out that she’s super pretty and of course her body is beautiful to say the least

  8. Blackfrost

    yes that is super nice. so she is new to the sense….time to start up the download

  9. Fozzy

    I must get this Video download link soon…

  10. Yeah

    Great body, but I think just what Ras said, if she matures a little and “enjoys” what’s she’s doing then I’ll be more interested too

  11. RasTrent

    That ass is ridiculously fine, but the scenes I’ve seen her in she has that “clocked in for the paycheck” type attitude, not really getting into it at all. We’ll see how long she lasts

    • C.A.

      Eh… Pretty soon we’re all gonna start asking “What’s the catch?” whenever BOTD posts gifs of new voluptuous porn girls. It’s an unfortunate thing.

  12. Bluntman

    That ass…wow.

    It’s so enticing to look at. It’s shaped like a heart and those ripple effects, HotDammnn! Goes from one side to the other. How I wish I could drill her in that position.

  13. fan of a fan

    look at god

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