Mixed magazine is gonna release a issue of Katvong and Leigh Kai together soon, I’m so excited!! here is a link if you lads want to check the cover out https://www.instagram.com/p/BEUAUOeJBgV/
@Bootylover99 I’m not gonna lie, the content that they produce is amazing. However their upload schedule is random and unrelaible. I received two new videos in a month and i paid around 25-30 bux for that shit. If the guy who owns the site uploaded every single week then i would subscribe again. But fuck that, man. I could go out and take a girl who has simulair features as her.
But i digress, i hope they upload it very soon. I’m surprised, though. They said that Leigh Kai was gonna be on the site a month ago.
I dont pay lol, I just find them online. I agree with you, I’ve been waiting for Leigh Kai issue for a month already. Def not worth the 50 bucks a month for the time you wait.
I have
Aidan Nycole
Amina Blue
Andrea Lakovic
Anna Marie
Ayisha Diaz
Bunny Grey
Chelsea Marie
Drisana Sharma
Forsaken Love
Jazmine R
Jess Molli
Kelly Kurves
Lisandra Perez
Meghan Marie
Nina Kay
Paola Star
Pamela Alexandra
Sahara Santos
Sweet Tea & Maryana
Shotzy Monroe
@Jay, i ain’t fucking with that shit. It says “65mb” on the website and then i proceed to download the file and suddenly it’s 5.6mb. Then i have to install it? Nah fuck that! It’s supposed to be a mp4 file, download click, enjoy the action.
My virus scanner goes haywire because it’s being detected as malicious malware. I don’t care if other people don’t get a virus warning. I’m not risking that for porn. I’ll jack off to something else or go fuck a thick mamacita.
Not even a virus but ok lol cuz some people have already downloaded from it. If anything why don’t YOU recommend a site for me to use to upload them next time
April 26, 2016
Hello Jay, thank you so much mate for these video!! You’re awesome!!!!
Does anyone have the new kai mixedmag video?
hey guys, anyone has clips of jayonna fabro, have been looking for her vids all over the net.
hey guys, i’m uploading all my mixed mag videos on here:
thanks man
Very nice!
Thanks bro! Str8 FIYAA
You have any other collections??
Mixed magazine is gonna release a issue of Katvong and Leigh Kai together soon, I’m so excited!! here is a link if you lads want to check the cover out https://www.instagram.com/p/BEUAUOeJBgV/
@Bootylover99 I’m not gonna lie, the content that they produce is amazing. However their upload schedule is random and unrelaible. I received two new videos in a month and i paid around 25-30 bux for that shit. If the guy who owns the site uploaded every single week then i would subscribe again. But fuck that, man. I could go out and take a girl who has simulair features as her.
But i digress, i hope they upload it very soon. I’m surprised, though. They said that Leigh Kai was gonna be on the site a month ago.
Yea bro! Now it’s $50 and you may get 1-2 uploads per month if that!!! Def not worth the wait for the money you pay!!
The asses are amazing, videos are pretty awesome. But $50? I’ll stick to Instagram or something. Not worth 50 bucks.
I dont pay lol, I just find them online. I agree with you, I’ve been waiting for Leigh Kai issue for a month already. Def not worth the 50 bucks a month for the time you wait.
Wow! That’s why I love this community.
Does anyone have Ooh Natasha’s mixed mag video?
I got a bunch of mixed mag stuff I’ll check for you
That would be great, tnx
I have
Aidan Nycole
Amina Blue
Andrea Lakovic
Anna Marie
Ayisha Diaz
Bunny Grey
Chelsea Marie
Drisana Sharma
Forsaken Love
Jazmine R
Jess Molli
Kelly Kurves
Lisandra Perez
Meghan Marie
Nina Kay
Paola Star
Pamela Alexandra
Sahara Santos
Sweet Tea & Maryana
Shotzy Monroe
Not him, but can you upload the Chelsea Marie clips? Mega (mega:///#fm) and zippyshare work great in my experience.
I went mad looking for those last week.
TrapLordKisuke, can u pls give links for chelsea marie, una, pamela alexandra and jess molli i have been looking for them, thanks.
upload amina blue’s!
Oh, well thanks man, but i was looking for ooh Natasha’s video
I’ve seen it before but it was super boring, just posing, no cameltoe or twerking.
Well… Idc about this too much, i hope somebody upload that video somewhere
Enjoy this quick googling my niggas
for all the hungry boys
You have to allow access on google for us to see that. I sent like two requests my nig
Wow! Inta Booty for days!
Someone, please! Take that girl to porn! lol
Really, this is 1st class material.
I uploaded it here
That’s what’s up
Doing the Lord’s work
Give this man a round of applause. Thanks for sharing this magnificent katvong twerk.
Whoever has her vids needs to upload them somewhere. This is easily one of the best insta booty girls out there.
I got vids of her and I uploaded them above bro
The files were deleted. The guy below used https://mega.nz
Idk if its free but maybe you might have better luck with that
Does anyone know where I can get the full video of the link
Must destroy booty lifeform!
You should upload a short clip of her mixed mag video.
Indeed, that ass is point!
On point*
Damn is this chick bad or what?
I’m lovin it
I wanna give it to this chick so hard and deep! She’s so fuckin bad !
Hey guys I have her recent mfc videos saved on my computer. What’s the best way for me to share it with ya?
Sorry I took a while. I completely forgot to check this post until earlier.
I will be posting more later. These are recorded cam shows from February till now. I have more.
you the fuckin man
Thank you sir!
much thanks bro!
Np man
@Jay, i ain’t fucking with that shit. It says “65mb” on the website and then i proceed to download the file and suddenly it’s 5.6mb. Then i have to install it? Nah fuck that! It’s supposed to be a mp4 file, download click, enjoy the action.
My virus scanner goes haywire because it’s being detected as malicious malware. I don’t care if other people don’t get a virus warning. I’m not risking that for porn. I’ll jack off to something else or go fuck a thick mamacita.
What do you recommend then so you can view/download it?
@Jay, Maybe kat.cr or piratebay.
I downloaded the videos perfectly fine….chill out
This is a virus man my mcafee was going crazy with this. It messed up my browsers and everything dont open these.
Not even a virus but ok lol cuz some people have already downloaded from it. If anything why don’t YOU recommend a site for me to use to upload them next time
Hello Jay, thank you so much mate for these video!! You’re awesome!!!!
Do you have this video https://camshowdownloads.com/img/jFhfbZ/Nataliahart-MFC-201604081919_s.jpg
We appreciate you
Haha I appreciate the uploads. I literally was mid way through the downloads before the files got deleted. Have you tried Google Drive?
Email it to me bro!
I don’t have a cpu to mess around downloading shit, in return I’ll send you her mixed mag vid
I would like to see it!
I already got her mixed mag. I just saw all this again now so I’m getting ready to upload them. I get her new cam shows roughly everyday.
cheers dude!!!
Scroll up sir.
Here please bro alicewonderland47@yahoo.com
I uploaded them. Check my reply to a previous comment
Scroll up to previous reply with the upload links
Why is everyone dropping their emails? lol. He asked for a site to host big files on and prob isn’t trying to individually email anyone anything.
I uploaded it man.
Yes bro share it with us
I posted them above.
Instead of emailing them, I posted the download links on a reply to a previous comment.