McDonalds Monster Booty

Would you have it your way, with her? Wait, that’s Burger King. Would you uhh attack that Big Mac? Wait, that’s corny. Ahhh fuck it, Smash or Pass?

89 Responses to McDonalds Monster Booty

  1. G.D. Martindale

    Want to touch the hiney!

  2. Bryson

    Smash that ass!

  3. Sonny


  4. Jackson Waid

    I would eat that anus like a quarter pounder

    • Jackson Waid

      I would also fuck her until my special sauce drips from her pussy

  5. James

    Eat that tasty ass like a Big Mac, then smash that ass hard until I add my special sauce inside that monster booty! I’d do that all day everyday! Praise that monster booty!

    • Jackson Waid

      I would fuck her twice as hard as you would

  6. G Whitley

    A definite smash.

  7. Anonymous

    That giant ass is worth eating! I’d fuck the shit out of her ass after I ate her ass out, and then I’d have her suck my dick clean! I’d go back and forth until she passes out and her asshole swells up! Then search and destroy that pussy until it swells up! Definitely smash! If she worked at Dairy Queen, she’d be the queen for sure!

    • Jackson Waid

      So would I

  8. Anonymous

    I’d smash! I’d love to grab her ass cheeks like a giant sandwich, spread them buns, and thoroughly eat her ass out! I’d fuck her pussy hard and cum inside her pussy, I’d fuck her ass and cum inside her ass, and I’d fuck the shit out of her throat and cum inside her throat! Then I’d have her grab my ass cheeks, spread my ass cheeks apart, and thoroughly eat my ass out! I would stop by and eat her ass thoroughly every single day all day every day!

    • Jackson Waid

      Ditto my dude/dudette

  9. Noah miame

    Smash and lick

  10. Anonymous

    Smash! Put my big meat inside her tender meat and bang until I add in my special sauce inside her tenderized meat. Then I’d put my big meat inside her big fat buns and bang until I add even more of my special sauce inside her toasted buns. Then I’d put my big meat inside her mouth, then have her taste my special sauce, then I’d ask her how does it taste. If only I could do that in real life.

    • Jackson Waid

      I would also do that

  11. Big King

    Smash all day

  12. Clint floyd

    I’d tap the mac daddy

  13. Tora697

    that ass is fucking sexy as hell

  14. Froosgueise

    Fuckin’ smash, all the way

  15. odin

    Name? Please?

  16. Big E

    Whats her name and where she from.

  17. Agir

    I’d give her a nice creampie

  18. Sr. Damon

    I’d put my hot dog deep inside her mouth, let the juices slide down her throat, then I’d put my hot dog into her pink meat and cum hard, then I’d ultimately fuck her monster booty all day until her shift is over, then I’d come back the next day and do it again. I’d love to get paid to work there with her like that.

    • Jackson Waid

      So would I

  19. Ansteph

    Encouraged to apply by this picture then finding out management were my schoolmates know wonder why i got the job

  20. Bob

    I would bash that hard that is hot

  21. jeff183
  22. Grim The Kid

    I would eat her ass and her pussy then fuck her stupid

  23. fly kid

    What’s her name I need to know

  24. FernandoPondelick

    Hack yea

  25. Sr. Damon

    Eat and smash her booty!

  26. Skyy

    Smash or pass? Hell i’d drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.

    • Jackson Waid

      So would I

  27. White lover

    I would sex her in bedroom in cum in her so deep and call her the next day

  28. Remind Solis jr

    He’ll yeah smash the he’ll of that ass

  29. Tyler

    Does anybody know who she is?

  30. Johnny P

    Id fuck the shit outta that

  31. schwarzerdeutscher

    I’d fuck the shit outta her but there is no way an ass can get that big and have no cellulite

  32. Zay

    SMASH and cum deep and hard in that ass

    • Sr. Damon

      That’s what I was thinking.


    I’d smash and then pass it for the next one in line.

  34. hammer

    Id smash that all over that place

  35. mr assman

    Don’t care if it is photoshopped. As long as she stays in that position I would smash until I broke my hips.yeah she might be a scooter but damn I miss the days when I would pick up a girl like that for a night they let you smash it for hours.

  36. DG

    pass? might as well shoot your own dick lol

  37. realreal

    I would destroy that ass. Damn

  38. Harry Dick

    MacDaily and Praze Cheesus whilst I smash.

  39. royr

    In my lifetime I have done many many many bad nasty things….I would be honored to smash her!

  40. G

    Seriously it took till last comment to find “I’m lovin it”??!



    Ba da ba ba ba I’d be loving it. SMASH.

  42. Mr.30mins

    Destroy it while eating a mcdouble

  43. Bootylover


  44. derrick

    Man I’ll fuck the shit out of her and bust all in that ass

  45. ks4714

    After that ass was touching the wall in the can of a fast food joint, I wouldn’t smash that shit if you washed it down using a fire hose pushing Clorox out of it!!!

    • C.A.

      never mind that women sit on toilets to piss & shit

  46. BSD

    Friends –

    Smash until I entered The Rapture.


  47. masterken

    I would fuck the shit out this chick and bust a real good warm load on the ass.

  48. Ivan

    No mames !
    se me hincha la verga de solo ver semejante culo , sin duda dios gracias a dios por culos como ese.

  49. detonathan

    ba-da-ba-da-da I’d smash that ass

  50. DiscipleOfDante

    Come on man there is a MAJORILY obvious one right there. “Do you like it Super-Sized?” A bit dated but works. And yes, yes I would.

  51. poohbia

    Id be all over her if she was my co worker

  52. yabajaba

    Source on Reddit:

    Heavily shopped. Still looks pretty nice but cant tell if she has a huge stomach or if thats her shirt.

    • Al Bundy

      too much fat for me.

    • poohbia

      On second thought, that may be borderline too much for me. I like em thick, but thats probably the biggest i’d go

    • botd

      That’s why the Smash or Pass? was about that version up there. Any other version is irrelevant.

      • pizdec

        smash and smash

      • cole cash

        No the real version IS relevant. They slightly shopped some fat around her thigh,
        The only question is wether the black shape going down is her belly (in that case I’d pass) or just her shirt (because y’know, gravity). If it’s just her shirt (and I think it is, judging by her face, she’s not obese) I’d smash her so bad.

        • botd

          No, the only question is, would you bang the girl in the picture on the top of this page.

          It’s like me asking “What color lightsaber would you like to have?” And some party poopers coming along talking about “Well if you look at the unedited footage of the making of those lightsaber duels, you can clearly see that they’re just plastic gray props without any color or emanating energy.” Those party poopers are not invited to my next party, if I threw parties.

          • cole cash

            Sorry but I still don’t agree.
            If we start picking shopped images, we might as well pick on comics drawing. It would be like “would you rather bang she hulk or that hentai chick”…
            Here we have the real picture, and being a rational person, I’m more interested into that real version.

          • botd

            @cole cash

            That’s not being rational. That’s being stubborn. Might as well say I’m a rational person so I don’t look at images on a display connected to a computing device because they’re not real, they’re just pixels generated by code made up of 1s and 0s.

            So let me rephrase the question. Would you bang the girl in the pic above if she was real? Let’s make it easier. Would you bang the girl in the pic above if she was real and if there was no “original?”

            And your cartoon argument is the easiest argument ever. Cmon dude. Jessica Rabbit, hands down.

          • Jagr dynasty


  53. iceman8069

    Definitely smash!

  54. kyle429

    I’d love to put my special sauce all over that big mac ass! Cute face too. Wish there was moar.

  55. assman

    I would try all the mcnugget sauces on that ass

  56. Cunning Linguist

    Easy one. After I’m done SMASHING, I’ll PASS her around to you guys

    • MD

      My Man!!! XD

    • Fam

      *fist bump*

    • Jackson Waid

      Thanks man and or woman

  57. nate

    name plis =)

    • Douche Baggins

      LOL as if he knows her name… she’s some mcd’s employee with a glorious ass. My god, she probably makes 8 bucks an hour… I’d pay her 10 to just walk around naked all day!

      • KingJ

        I’d pay 100 or more to smash right there in the bathroom

    • jeff183
  58. C.A.


  59. TOP DAWG

    BIG TIME SMASH!!…..special sauce all over that ASS!….HELL… IN THAT ASS!

    • Yeah

      You don’t see these everyday. Wow. lol

    • BigAssFanatic

      Grab her her waist insert my big meat whooper between her big fat white warm Buns and marinade in it to go please.

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