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Very Big Ass Gifs

No posts for this weekend. In the meantime, you can check out the new section, Very Big Ass Gifs. (Only for desktop now). Hit the arrow that points to the right when you get there. Keep hitting it till you get bored.

It’s not done yet tho. I mean there still might be some bugs (for example, shit repeats), and doesn’t work on mobile yet. Oh and still gotta add like a trillion more big ass gifs. (Gotta figure out which ones don’t look too f*cked up when they get that big, ya know.)

(Don’t forget to hit the right-direction arrow →. If it doesn’t work, give it a second and then try again. And don’t go too fast or you’ll break it. I still suck at coding.)

Update: Shit, just realized it only works half the time. I’m worse than I thought. Oh well, if it doesn’t for you, try again in a couple of days when I fix it, unless you saw them all already, or you’re not a fan of gifs.