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Booty Gif Throwbacks

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Here’s a throwback of the first 6 gifs I made for BOTD.

Okay I’m lying. The ones above were from Feb 2011, but the first 3 I did were from a month before. Was gonna post them, but they really sucked.

Actually the first gif in general I ever made was in 1998 and was a crappy animation of a stick figure character walking up to another stick figure, pulling out what’s supposed to be a gun, shooting what’s supposed to be bullets, and then something that’s supposed to be blood squirts out of the other guy. It was a hype dope incredible black white and red masterpiece. By that I mean it was terrible. But as soon as I pull out the hardrive from my old comp I’ll share it with you guys, cause I know you’re all dying to have it and just can’t wait to use it as wallpaper on all your devices.

Anyway does anybody remember these gifs?

Paige Turnah Dirty Talking Chat Girl


Oh baby oh baby yes umm, oh baby. Phone sex skills son.

Edit: wtf, the site broke. That’s some bullshit.

Edit 2: Okay we’re back. Looks like Scientologists and North Koreans hacked the site and flipped everything around. Jokes on them though, all the old stuff looked like new material. *fap fap fap*
